Important Facts About Mushrooms-For Healthy

Various supermarkets and groceries sell commercially cultivated mushrooms today. However, it is necessary to go there in search of delicious mushrooms taste can no longer be done on your part. Actually, what you only need to do in looking for mushrooms is to learn some things about them so as to distinguish them from dangerous toxic species that can cause violent vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, blurred vision and more. Information includes:

• Mushroom distinguishing feature
• Where the fungus grows
• If the fungus can be found

Here are four kinds of mushrooms you should know
1. Mushroom Coral is found mostly during summer and autumn in:
• forested area
• On the ground
• On rotting log

This fungus has:
• Clamp branching stems
• Coral appearance
• Tan, white or yellowish
• Pink or purple in color, but only slightly
• Up to 8 "tall in size

It is important to note that some of these mushrooms have a laxative effect. And also, mushroom corals that taste bitter, bruise brown when handled or have gelatinous bases should be avoided because this can cause problems. In cooking, saute the mushrooms tender majority - and the tips of branches. You can combine with vegetables or white sauce.

2. Puffballs grown and seen during the summer and fall. They can be found at:
• Grass
• Open forest
• Pastures
• Regional barren
• wood rot
• On the ground

• Round or pear-shaped
• It may or may not have the basic stem as
• Whitish, tan or gray in color
• 1 "to 12" diameter, though sometimes larger

This fungus has been mistaken at a distance for everything from golf balls to sheep. Also, when young, dense and white interior, and then slowly will become yellow and will turn brown when mature. Then this will turn into a dark mass, spore powder. As a precaution, mushrooms should be sliced from top to bottom and the interior should be checked to know that it's actually in the white and the special properties, such as a piece of white bread. Yellow or brown color that looks in the end will ruin the taste. There should be no signs of growing mushrooms with stalks, gills and cap when checked. To cook these puffballs, remove the outer skin, in difficult cases. Slice, dip in butter, and fried.

3. Bearded Toot Mushrooms are also called Bear's head. And this is most visible during the summer and autumn in:
• Trees
• Logs
• Tunggul

Its distinct features:
• hanging clamps white "fur"
• Resembles polar bear's paw
• Pure white when young and fresh
• Yellowish color when aged
• 4 "to 12" in

Due to size and white look, very easy to spot against the log that grows dark. It also does not look-alikes toxic. All other species closely related to some of the more open and branched are good edibles and you must eat only the young and white because, the older are the yellowing of acid. To prepare a simple menu with a slice, and par-cook until tender, then drain and serve with cheese sauce.

4. Shaggy Mane or commonly called a lawyer's wig usually grows in the chip grass, soil or wood and most visible in the grass and pasture during:
• Spring
• Summer
• Fall

Features of the fungus:
• Long, white cylinder cup
• shaggy, upside down, scales brown
• Whitish gills
• Fragile
• Easily collapses
• 4 "to 6" tall

Additionally, when shaggy mane reaches maturity, the gills and cup dissolve slowly into the liquid, inky black. Only the stems will remain standing. Therefore, the best time to harvest shaggy mane is before the cup is black. You must eat it on the same day that you take it. To cook this mushroom, you can saute with butter and season with nutmeg or garlic. The combination of this with scrambled eggs or chicken dishes are also good.

1 comment:

  1. Great info about fungus. It can be a delicious food :)

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